Lark - Installation

Based on Roots Sage. The Lark theme setup is the standard for any WordPress build made internally by We Create Digital. In version 2, Bedrock and Soil is used by Roots for a more secure and developer friendly approach.

  1. Installation
  2. Server Requirements
  3. Installing Lark


Server Requirements

Installing Lark

Since version 3.0.20, the Lark theme setup is now available from the Command Line by one line.


Directory naming:

Before getting started, your website directory should not contain any spaces or underscores, only hyphens are allowed. Please review the below examples then get started with the instructions.

URL setup:

Using the below's instructions will automatically do some things for you, such as creating the URL path.


Before you get started, be sure to do the following:

function lark()
  git clone "$1"
  rm -rf "$1"/.git
  cd "$1"/
  atom .
  composer install

Be sure to close Terminal or refresh your bash_profile

  1. Change directory into Sites: cd /Users/{my-macbook}/Sites
  2. Run lark {sitename}
  3. Run the installation command: php bin/console lark:install {sitename}. By default, Lark utilises Bootstrap, however if you're preference is TailwindCSS then please add the --stack=tailwindcss parameter at the end of the command
  4. Follow the remaining instructions provided by lark:install, for example, updating your .env with relevant salts and database details
  5. Then create a Git repo (either in GitLab or via our automated dev site script)
  6. Finally associate this build with the relevant repo by using similar commands:
git init
git remote add origin {SSH path/URL}
git add .
git commit -m "Initial commit"
git push -u origin master